Sicilian Drifting è una collana che racconta la Sicília attraverso la mano di un disegnatore errante. Schizzi realizzati alla deriva tra i paesaggi siciliani che registrano pause di realtà a volte deformate, caricaturate, che si affermano come dichiarazioni esplicite di una realtà arcaicamente cangiante.
Sicilian Drifting is a series of books about Sicily as seen by travelling draughtsman who made these sketches while drifting through the Sicilian landscapes. They are the interludes of a sometimes deformed, sometimes caricatured reality, and come through as the bright expressions of an archaic but ever changing world.
Sicilian Drifting is a series of books about Sicily as seen by travelling draughtsman who made these sketches while drifting through the Sicilian landscapes. They are the interludes of a sometimes deformed, sometimes caricatured reality, and come through as the bright expressions of an archaic but ever changing world.
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